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Peer-reviewed articles
Cazalis V., Di Marco M., Zizka A., Butchart S.H.M., González-Suárez M., Böhm M., Bachman S.P., Hoffmann M., Rosati I., De Leo F., Jung M., Benítez-López A., Clausnitzer V., Cardoso P., Brooks T.M., Mancini G., Lucas P.M., Young B.E., Akcakaya R., Schipper A.M., Hilton-Taylor C., Pacifici M., Meyer C., Santini L. (2024). Accelerating and standardising IUCN Red List assessments with sRedList. Under review.
Mancini G., Santini L., Cazalis V., Ficetola F., Meiri S., Roll U., Silvestri S., Pincheira-Donoso D., & Di Marco M. (2024). Generation length of the world’s amphibians and reptiles. Preprint
Lucas P.M., Di Marco M., Cazalis V., Luedtke J., Neam K., Brown M.H., Langhammer P.F., Mancini G., Santini L. (Under review). Testing the predictive performance of comparative extinction risk models to support the global amphibian assessment. Preprint
Henry E.G., Santini L., Butchart S., Gonzalez-Suarez M., Lucas P.M., Benitez-Lopez A., Mancini G., Jung M., Cardoso P., Zizka A., Meyer C., Akcakaya H.R., Berryman A., Cazalis V., Di Marco, M. (2023). Modelling the probability of meeting IUCN Red List criteria to support reassessments. Global Change Biology DOI: 10.1101/2023.06.08.544254
Mancini G., Santini L., Cazalis V., Akçakaya R., Lucas P.M., Brooks T.M., Foden W., & Di Marco M. (2023). A standard approach for including climate change responses in IUCN Red List assessments. Conservation Biology, cobi.14227. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.14227
Cazalis V., Santini L., Lucas P.M., González‐Suárez M., Hoffmann M., Benítez‐López A., Pacifici M., Schipper A.M., Böhm M., Zizka A., Clausnitzer V., Meyer C., Jung M., Butchart S.H.M., Cardoso P., Mancini G., Akçakaya H.R., Young B.E., Patoine G., Di Marco M. (2023). Prioritizing the reassessment of data‐deficient species on the IUCN Red List. Conservation Biology, e14139. DOI:10.1111/cobi.14139
Cazalis V., Loreau M., Barragan-Jason G. (2022). A global synthesis on trends in human experience of nature. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment DOI:10.1002/fee.2540
Cazalis V. (2022). Species richness response to human pressure hides important assemblage transformations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences DOI:10.1073/pnas.2107361119
Cazalis V., Di Marco M., Butchart S.H.M., Akçakaya H.R., González‐Suárez M., Meyer C., Clausnitzer V., Böhm M., Zizka A., Cardoso P., Schipper A.M., Bachman S.P., Young B.E., Hoffmann M., Benítez-López A., Lucas P.M., Pettorelli N., Patoine G., Pacifici M., Jörger-Hickfang T., Brooks T.M., Rondinini C., Hill S.L.L., Visconti P., Santini L. (2022). Bridging the research-implementation gap in IUCN Red List assessments. Trends in Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2021.12.002
Cazalis V., Barnes M.D., Johnston A., Watson J.E.M., Şekercioğlu C.H., Rodrigues A.S.L (2021). Mismatch between bird species sensitivity and the protection of intact habitats across the Americas. Ecology Letters 24(11): 2394-2405 DOI: 10.1111/ele.13859
Bernard A., Rodrigues A.S.L., Cazalis V., Grémillet D. (2021). Global review of seabird tracking reveals major knowledge gaps. Conservation Letters. DOI:10.1111/conl.12804
Rodrigues A.S.L., Cazalis V. (2020). The multifaceted challenge of evaluating protected area effectiveness. Nature Communications 11: 5147. DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-18989-2
Maxwell S.L., Cazalis V., Dudley N., Hoffmann M., Rodrigues A.S.L., Stolton S., Visconti P., Woodley S., Maron M., Strassburg B.B.N., Wenger A., Jonas H.D., Venter O., Watson J.E.M. (2020). Area-based conservation in the twenty-first century. Nature 586: 217-227. DOI:10.1038/s41586-020-2773-z
Cazalis V., Princé K., Mihoub J.-B., Kelly J., Butchart S.H.M., Rodrigues A.S.L. (2020). Effectiveness of protected areas in conserving tropical forest birds. Nature Communications 11: 4461. DOI:10.1038/s41467-020-18230-0
Gaget E., Le Viol I., Pavón-Jordán D., Cazalis V., Kerbiriou C., Jiguet F., Popoff N., Dami L., Mondain-Monval J.-Y., Defos du Rau P., Abdou W.A.I., Bozic L., Dakki M., Encarnacao V.M.F., Erciyas-Yavuz K., Etayeb K.S., Molina B., Petkov N., Uzunova D., Zenatello M., Galewski T. (2020). Assessing the effectiveness of the Ramsar Convention in preserving wintering waterbirds in the Mediterranean. Biological Conservation 243. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108485
Cazalis V., Prévot A.-C. (2019). Are protected areas effective in conserving human connection with nature and enhancing pro-environmental behaviours? Biological Conservation 236: 548-555. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.03.012
Cazalis V., Belghali S., Rodrigues A.S.L. (2021). Using a large-scale biodiversity monitoring dataset to test the effectiveness of protected areas in conserving North-American breeding birds. Peer Community Journal 1 e3. DOI:10.24072/pcjournal.5 [PCI is a non-profit emerging alternative to traditional journals, it was recommended in 2019 but integrated in an issue in 2021 only, more info here]
Cazalis V., Loreau M., Henderson K. (2018). Do we have to choose between feeding the human population and conserving nature? Modelling the global dependence of people on ecosystem services. Science of the total environment 634: 1463-1474 . DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.360
Technical publications
COGard (2019). Atlas des oiseaux du Gard - enquête 2009-2017. Editions COGard. 400p. Link
Cazalis, V., Devoucoux, P., Besnard, A. (2016). Analyse de la sélection de l’habitat chez l’Oedicnème criard (Burhinus oedicnemus) dans le contexte de la construction de la ligne TGV en Costières nîmoises. Rapport adressé à la DREAL, Montpellier. 29p.