Conservara - Victor Cazalis

Conservation Analyst for Research Application

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Press outputs

I had the chance to communicate on several of my articles through media communication.

Cazalis et al. 2022:

Press release from iDiv and INEE (FR); Press article in Le Parisien, L’express, Popular Science, The Conversation; Radio segments on France Culture, France Info.

Maxwell et al. 2020:

Press release from INEE (FR); Press article in Le Monde (FR)

Cazalis et al. 2020:

Press release from INEE (EN); Press article in MidiLibre (FR); News on eBird website (EN); BirdLife International Case Study (EN)

Cazalis and Prévot 2019:

Press release from CNRS (EN); Press articles in 20 minutes and La Croix (FR); Radio interviews in RTS1 - Prise de Terre and Radio Campus - Stimuli (FR)

Commenting conservation news

I am sometimes solicited to comment on conservation news, for instance in Le Monde, Libération, or at RTS1.